This application will give you many of wonderful inspiring and beautiful ceiling design ideas. this app will show you galleries of home or room ceiling design an decoration ideas. You can get a hundred ideas of ceiling designs from this application.
This applications contains hundred of design such as:
- bedroom ceiling ideas, false ceiling,
- wooden ceiling design
- modern, classic, gypsum design,
- small ceiling, large, medium design
- lighting, fans ideas, colorful, luxury
- home, house, bedroom, kitchen ceiling
- Vintage, country.
- ceiling tiles and much more.
As we fill our homes with lovely decors and comfy furniture, we also see to it that other parts of the house are well-designed. Doing this will give your home a welcoming look. It can even lessen your need to get more decorations if you have walls and ceilings with great designs. We have shown you different wall textures as well as how you can add life to your walls. So, today, we will give you tips on how to design ceilings.
Ceiling is the upper interior of a room. It covers the trusses and gives a room a cozier look. Some rooms may have plain ceilings but there are others which have intricate designs for the ceilings. Of course, the design varies on the kind of space. If it is a modern interior, the ceiling is comprised of sleek lines and curves. For traditional ones, it would have sophisticated moldings. But since we are not here to showcase the different types of ceilings, let us jump into the tips that one needs to consider in designing a ceiling.